Onboarding Activity 2

Topic: Guide to Reading Workshop (k-2): Chapter 5: Big Picture of the School Day and of Reading Workshop

Please post your responses in the comments. :)

Activity & Discussion Questions:

      Explain the components of balanced literacy to someone that is completely new to the education world.
      Create a K-2 Schedule that includes the following components:  word study, shared reading, reading workshop (which will include mini lesson time, independent reading time), writing workshop (include mini lesson time, and independent writing time), interactive read aloud.
      How will the schedules (time increments) be different in Kinder, 1st and 2nd?
      Why is it important for teachers to be intervening with students during independent reading time? A lot of times we see teachers not intervening with students during this time or only doing guided reading. How could this be detrimental?

Outcome: Deep understanding of the components of balanced literacy, understanding on how to create a reading block schedule.


  1. Components of balanced literacy
    -Guided Reading (small group work with students at instructional level based on data from DRA and/or Istation) which specifically targets student instructional needs in word study, reading strategies, prompting students at point of difficulty, comprehension strategies, concepts about print (emergent and early levels).
    -Writing Workshop (writing process, conferences, shared writing)
    -Reading Aloud (analyzing text, comprehension strategies)
    -Word Study (phonics, phonological and phonemic awareness), vocabulary
    -Students reading independently and in partnerships during guided reading instruction.

    Balanced Literacy Schedule

    Word Study- 15 to 20 minutes
    Writing Workshop- 30 to 45 minutes
    -Mini lesson
    -Independent writing time
    -Sharing time
    -Conferencing with individual or small groups of students
    Reading Workshop- 90 minutes
    - Guided Reading (small group work)
    - Student Independent reading time
    -Shared Reading
    -Text Analysis (interactive read aloud of mentor text and mini lesson)

    At the Emergent and Early stages, the teacher supports the students more, students will spend more time in shared writing and shared reading. Students at the Transitional stage spend less time in shared writing and reading work.

    1. I agree that balanced literacy incorporates reading, writing, and word study through read alouds, shared reading or independent reading. When all of these things revolve around reading the student gets a cohesive understanding and love for reading.

      Timing is very important within the reading workshop that uses balanced literacy, when scheduling out your time think of how it will specifically work in your classroom. :)

      I think your explanation of the progression of reading is spot on. It is more teacher based, guided and shared until the students reach a more independent level.


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